About IOU, Inc.

Step into the brink of a digital revolution with IOU, Inc. Conceived from a passionate vision in 2016, our aspiration has been to sculpt a digital sanctuary for families worldwide. With the rise of the digital era, we aspired to be the guiding light for families navigating the intricate digital maze – anchoring on trust, inclusivity, and safety.

As our journey unfolded, we discerned the nuanced digital hurdles faced by those grappling with neurodegenerative diseases. This realization propelled us to craft dedicated solutions, ensuring that each individual, irrespective of their health condition, finds the digital companionship they need. This mission expanded, leading us to the imperative of safeguarding digital legacies, thus birthing IOUMore.

IOUMore, our imminent for-profit venture, promises a treasure trove of digital tools designed to capture, celebrate, and amplify life’s diverse stories. Delving into IOUMore’s offerings, we’re thrilled to introduce two pivotal segments: the IOUMore Cloud and IOUMore Media. IOUMore Cloud is poised to be your fortress, zealously guarding your cherished digital memories for future generations.

Adding to our portfolio, IOUMore Media is set to roll out ThinkFit – an array of materials curated to invigorate cognitive vitality, especially for those confronting neurodegenerative challenges. From engaging activity books to puzzles and adult coloring books, ThinkFit is our commitment to cerebral well-being. But that’s not all. Venturing further into the artistic realm, IOUMore Media — spotlighting IOUParis and IOUParis2024 — is our homage to the mesmerizing cultural legacy of France, celebrating the roots of our founder’s heritage. And the best part? The revenue from these initiatives will be channeled back into IOU, Inc., fortifying our digital outreach efforts.

Driven by an ethos of social good, even as IOUMore takes shape as a for-profit entity, its soul is deeply entrenched in philanthropy, with a significant portion of its profits pledged to fortify IOU, Inc.

As we stand at the cusp of this groundbreaking chapter, we beckon you to be a part of our vision. Join us in this monumental endeavor, ensuring that every tale finds its voice, every memory a canvas, and every legacy a digital echo. IOU, Inc. is not merely a platform; it’s a movement championing hope, safety, and inclusivity in our shared digital tapestry. Stand with us as we paint a brighter, safer, and more inclusive digital tomorrow!

tl;dr I owe you a safer world online

Originally written in 2016

To the two wonderful girls and the new son born in December 2015, and my wife who continues to support me in every way,

I have had many jobs in my life and have played many roles. I have not always lived up to my own expectations, and most certainly not up to others’ expectations. However, I do know that the most important role I have, and will continue to have until I am gone, is to be the best father to the three of you kids and the husband you deserve.

Certainly, I will make mistakes, but I hope that most of those mistakes will be made either out of passion for you or out of ignorance, which I can learn from. This has led me to form and grow IOU. While the acronym stands for the “Internet of Us,” I like the shortened IOU because it captures the true meaning of my feelings.

Working in technology, the term “Internet of Things” is thrown about with cold disregard, but the things most impacted by things are US, people. As your father and husband, I want you to have all that I and the world can give. The easiest and quickest access to the things the world has to offer is through the internet. From me, it has taken and will continue to take lots of work.

However, the internet is a vast and challenging place. I have followed its growth from the earliest commercial days (AOL/CompuServe, etc. – don’t worry, you can look them up in history books (if books are still around), and it has grown into the big, magical, fun, scary, violent frontier that few who helped put us in there (more on this in a future post) seem too concerned with making safe for you.

While I believe there are many great things by utilizing the Internet of Things, the Internet of Us is what it ultimately comes down to here. So, as we grow as a family, I will be reaching out to others to partner with to develop an online world based on these IOUs:

IOU – Safety

IOU – Security

IOU – Privacy

IOU – Technology

IOU – Paris

IOU – Life

IOU – More

IOU will develop both high and low-tech solutions to make your world as advanced and as fun as the promise the internet was born with but with the security and privacy that my role as your father and husband demands.

Yes, this will mean sometimes saying “NO” and “…not at your age” as well as “…because I said so…” because I OWE YOU that much.

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